Monday, May 14, 2007

Life Beyond The Grave

Indiana, 1917

Rev. H. B. Hostetter Tells Why He Believes in Immortality

"Some of the Reasons Why I Believe There Is a Life Beyond the Grave," was the subject of the morning sermon by Rev. H. B. Hostetter at the Third Presbyterian church Sunday.

"Humanly speaking there is no absolute proof of the immortality of the soul," he said. "But the great preponderance of evidence is in its favor and any man who makes a candid, unprejudiced inquiry can come to but one conclusion — though a man die he shall most certainly live again.

"Life's voyage is to end not in the rocks and shallows of an unmerciful sea, but in the Haven of Eternal Rest — not a kingdom of darkness, but a kingdom of living light; not the cramped and suffocating confines of the grave, but heaven's broad arch; not the dark and narrow house, but our Father's house, where many mansions are. 'He that findeth Me, findeth life,' said Christ, 'and because I live ye shall live also.' "


Easter Services Attended by Throngs of People

An unprecedented number of people attended services in the various churches of the city Easter Sunday.

Special services were held in all the churches and music appropriate for the day and season was heard everywhere. Downtown churches were especially well attended, many of them being full to the very doors. Every service at the Cathedral attracted a record crowd.

A patriotic strain was carried through the services of practically every church and the Stars and Stripes mingled with Easter decorations everywhere. Many of the sermons touched upon the crisis in which the nation now stands, and called for the support of the people in the process of upholding the nation's honor.

—The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Monday, April 9, 1917, p. 14.

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