Sunday, May 27, 2007

Hindoo Proverbs — Truth, Contentment, Patience, Mercy


Happiness consists in the absence of anxiety.

Truth, contentment, patience and mercy belong to great minds.

Little things should not be despised. Many straws united will bind an elephant.

It can never be safe to unite with an enemy. Water, though heated, will soon extinguish fire.

He who removes another from danger and he who removes terror from the mind are the greatest of friends.

Courage is tried in war, integrity in the payment of debt and interest, the faithfulness of a wife in poverty and friendship in distress.

Every one looking downward becomes impressed with the idea of his own greatness, but looking upward feels his own littleness.

He who in your presence speaks kindly, but in your absence seeks to injure, must be rejected like a bowl of poison covered with milk.

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