Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sparks from the Anvil — "The Only Sure Cure for Worry"


Bright Sayings from the Columns of the Ram's Horn

Faith in God is the only sure cure for worry.

What a little god some very big people worship.

Doubts are like bats; they can only live in the dark.

St. Paul never carried a stick in which to notch his converts.

No man can give in a way that pleases God without becoming rich.

The devil walks beside the man who goes to church with a long face.

The man who does no praying at home often prays too much in church.

God is not in the religion that is not using both hands to lift up men.

If big sermons could save the world the devil would soon be discouraged.

When a wicked man makes up his mind to do right he is certain of God's help.

Sin may try to hide its head, but it can not cover up its tracks.

The man who tries to deceive others is himself deceived by the devil.

The Pentateuch seems to trouble some men today, but John 3:16 defies a criticism.

Religion has begun to starve whenever it begins to walk with its hands in its pockets.

You can generally tell how much religion a man has by measuring it with his own half-bushel.

Do not fool yourself. If the first man was made with eyes and ears, his Maker can both see and hear.

The man who does no good with his money helps the devil every time he puts a dollar in his pocket.

There would be more success in life if more of us were willing for God to tell us where and how to work.

If you are over seventy years old you are living on an extended note. It may fall due at any moment.

The reason so many Christians are lean in soul is so few of them hunger and thirst after righteousness,

There isn't any use in going into the church to work for the Lord, if you let the devil hold your purse.

Self-denial is about the last thing some people undertake when they start out to be religious.

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