Sunday, May 20, 2007

Tent Blows Down, 8,000 People Gathered Beneath



Averted Panic at Christian Endeavor Meeting


And 8,000 People Were Covered, But Prompt Action of a Chicago Man Prevented Disaster

Denver, July 14 —The big tent where the Christian Endeavor convention was in progress here, blew over yesterday afternoon. There were 8,000 people in the tent. Nearly a score of people were hurt, but fortunately there were no serious injuries. The presence of mind of A. M. Ramsey, of Chicago, undoubtedly averted a panic. As the tent came down, he called upon everyone to hold up the canvas and poles. His orders were obeyed and people got so busy they forgot to be frightened. A few women fainted, but were quickly restored. Mrs. Winnifred Sleep, of Denver, in charge of the hospital tent, telephoned to have the electric light current turned off, and averted danger from live wires.

After the crowd got out from under the canvas, an open air praise service was held.

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