Sunday, May 20, 2007

Noah's Wife Illustrates Mysterious Nature of Women


An Unfamiliar Text

But It Was a Forcible Illustration of a Great Truth

Several years ago there labored in one of the western villages of Minnesota a preacher who was always in the habit of selecting his texts from the Old Testament and particularly some portion of the history of Noah. No matter what the occasion was, he would always find some parallel incident from the history of this great character that would readily serve as a text or illustration.

At one time he was called upon to unite the daughter of the village mayor and a prominent attorney in the holy bonds of matrimony. Two little boys, knowing his determination to give them a portion of the sacred history touching Noah's marriage, hit upon the novel idea of pasting together two leaves in the family Bible so as to connect, without any apparent break, the marriage of Noah and the description of the ark.

When the noted guests were all assembled and the contracting parties with attendants in their respective stations, the preacher began the ceremonies by reading the following text: "And when Noah was one hundred and forty years old he took unto himself a wife," then, turning the page, he continued, "300 cubits in length, 50 cubits in width and 30 cubits in depth and within and without besmeared with pitch."

The story seemed a little strong, but he could not doubt the Bible, and, after reading it once more and reflecting a moment, he turned to the startled assemblage with these remarks, "My beloved brethren, this is the first time in the history of my life that my attention has been called to this important passage of the Scriptures, but it seems to me that it is one of the most forcible illustrations of that grand eternal truth that the nature of woman is exceedingly difficult to comprehend. — Starlight Messenger.

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