Thursday, May 24, 2007

Science Seeks Name to Give Mystic Energy


Theosophical Lecturer Tells of Scramble to Identify Mysterious Force

Eugene W. Munson, of the National Theosophical Society, lectured on theosophy in the auditorium of the City Library Monday night. Weather conditions prevented a very large attendance.

Mr. Munson spoke on "The Hidden Side of Things." For several years he has been traveling in the United States. His lecture tonight will be illustrated with slides.

"The search today for that mysterious energy back of living forms is a scramble. Practically all schools of modern science and philosophy are in the hunt. And these schools have given the thing for which they are searching a name. Science calls it energy. New Thought calls it Mind, Spiritualists say it is the spirit, psychologists call in the subconscious mind, and Christian Scientists call it Divine Mind. Theosophists agree with all of them. We see a grand scheme of evolution in which Divine Life, manifesting as the sons of God, wells up through myriads of forms with its outward going energy. This intangible potency, eternal mystery, or indwelling life is the thing for which men search."

Mr. Munson said that the method by which this "Spirit" contracted matter was complex and worthy of considerable study. He told and illustrated how vibrations tended to run up and down the scale, reflecting into the higher as well as the lower forms.

—The Capital Times, Madison, Wisconsin, Oct. 11, 1921, p. 3.

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