Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Self-Styled Elijah III is Weak From Illness


Chicago, Dec. 4. — That Dr. John Alexander Dowie has not recovered entirely from the effects of the stroke of paralysis which he suffered last September, was evidenced yesterday during his sermon in the Shiloh tabernacle in Zion City. He scarcely had begun his remarks, standing in the center of the platform, when he grew weak and for a moment was unable to continue. Assuring his followers that he was not ill, he drew a chair to the front of the platform and continued his address while sitting.

His voice did not show its old time power and he spoke in low tones. He referred to the persecution of Jews and said that he would dismiss any Zionite whom he heard speak slightingly of Jews. Dowie concluded his address, which lasted twenty-five minutes, stating that, while he felt weak and unwell, he believed he would live many years. His final remark produced a feeling or sorrow among his followers. He said:

"I shall be your leader here, or, if not here, I will be in the hereafter."

Fort Wayne, Indiana, 1905

Talk on Modern Miracles

The gospel meetings at the West Jefferson street Church of Christ have met with such success that they are to be continued every night during this week. Mr. Allen's subject tonight will be "Modern Miracle-Working Exposed." Miss Helen Gill will sing.

—Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, IN, Dec. 4, 1905

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