Thursday, May 17, 2007

God's Method of Working


By His Wise Decree the Little Things Have Been Chosen to Confound the Mighty

If we would find the climaxing proof of God's love we must not go searching for some giant central flaming sphere, but we must come to this little world that, like a weakling, circles in comparative obscurity among the mighty suns. In this world we must not go to Rome with all the pomp of its worldly empire, but to Palestine, subjugated province shut in to its own littleness and poverty. In Palestine we must not go to the capital, Jerusalem, with all its schools and priests and kings, but to Bethlehem, which is only a little village even among the thousands of Judah. In Bethlehem we must turn from the great houses and from the inn and look for the cattle, cavern and there we will find the Prince of Peace lying a helpless babe in the straw.

History was repeating itself there at Bethlehem when God chose that babe to be king over his people Israel. God has always been choosing the weak things to confound the mighty. When Samuel announced to Jesse that one of his sons was to be anointed king, Jesse called in Eliab first of all. He was tall and handsome and Samuel thought: "Surely the Lord's anointed is before me." But the Lord did not choose him. Then came Abinadab, and he was Jesse's second choice among his sons; but the Lord did not choose him. Then Jesse called the third most promising among his boys, but the Lord did not choose Shammah. Then Jesse and Samuel were both at a loss, and Jesse called one after another of his sons and not one of them was chosen. Then Samuel said: Are these all thy children? Jesse answered: No, there is the youngest, but he is only a little lad and we keep him out in the fields tending the sheep. Samuel bade them bring the little shepherd in, David, and, behold, he was the Lord's choice and he was anointed and went from the sheepfold into a kingdom.

—1 Cor. 1:27; Luke 2; 1 Sam. 16.

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