Monday, May 28, 2007

Sermon — "Prepare To Meet Thy God"

Ohio, 1905

The Protracted Meetings at the First Methodist and Presbyterian Grow in Interest

Rev. Wean, of Bryan, delivered another one of his splendid sermons at the First M. E. church last night, taking for his text, Amos 4:12: "Prepare to Meet thy God."

I take it that the person who tries to dispose of Jesus Christ has a problem on his hands. With the coming of Jesus into the world there has come a responsibility upon all mankind. With all the means of knowledge of Christ and the love of God to-day can we shirk this responsibility? I never found an infidel who did not expect to be a witness at the time when justice was meted out on the great day. Science will agree with the Bible altogether after a while. We all agree on this one point, that some time there will be a judgment.

This meeting with God somewhere after death at judgment is an important event. God is impartial; no matter who we are we must all be there. Death levels all. The rich man comes at last to the grave, the pauper although he has lived apart from the rich man they lie down together. The young lady who spurns her mother's prayers, denies her father's Christian life and goes out to the world's pleasure will be glad to come back to find a place by them at death.

Death knocks at no door, he comes unbidden. Death furnishes a good living for the undertaker. Death is a mighty monarch marching forth in the land. Don't treat it lightly for it is an important event. If I never attracted attention in my life I shall attract attention at death. The oldest, worthless tramp who is crushed beneath the wheels of the car attracts the attention of the large crowd. The unconcerned and frivolous, think when in the presence of death as they have never thought before, but the time to think is not over a casket, think in life.

In the name of God, in the name of all that's good why is it so hard to get men to prepare to meet God? You will get ready for a whole year for a wedding, you will plan for months for the pleasure of a friend. Why wait to prepare for death? I do not take much stock in death-bed repentance, many a man would be unwilling for his heart to be laid bare, many a girl would not want her companions to see her heart. What will it be when all hearts are bare before God and the angels?

Prepare for death, prepare to meet your God. Get ready for the time when the Great Judge shall mete out justice without partiality. Oh, prepare to meet God, you haven't a moment to lose. All God has done and said, all His plans are that you may be ready to meet Him. Jesus is such a loving Savior, come to Him now.

—The Van Wert Daily Bulletin, Van Wert, Ohio, Feb. 1, 1905, p. 3.

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