Saturday, May 19, 2007

Rev. Little to Tell Why He's Presbyterian

Fort Wayne, Indiana, 1917

Famous Wabash Divine to Speak at First Church Here Sunday

Rev. Charles Little, D. D., pastor of the First Presbyterian church at Wabash for over forty-two years, and one of the leading and best known ministers of his denomination, will speak Sunday evening at the First Presbyterian church in this city on "Why I Am a Presbyterian." The address is one of the series being conducted at this church.

Dr. Little is one of the really big men of the Presbyterian church. He comes from a family of Presbyterian preachers, most of his brothers. His son, Robert, is pastor of the leading Presbyterian church in Scranton, Pa., at the present time.

Dr. Little is a splendid pulpit orator with a fine wit and sense of humor that always pleases. He is an ex-moderator of the Presbyterian church of the United States, an honor that is seldom conferred upon a man coming from a town no larger than Wabash.

—The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, IN, May 5, 1917, p. 5.

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