Sunday, May 20, 2007

Clergyman — 'For Women To Be Ugly Is Nearly Sinful'



Clergyman Says It's All Right For You to Paint and Powder

Young women of the First M. E. church in St. Louis may now use the powder puff, likewise the paint brush and the brow pencil, without any compunctions of conscience. Their pastor, the Rev. Philip Cone Fletcher, says it is all right.

Lecturing recently on "Love, Courtship and Marriage," he told them that beauty was a duty and that if they had not been born that way it was incumbent upon them to powder and paint and pencil themselves beautiful.

"If I were a young woman, I would try to be winsome," he said. "Beauty is a duty. Young women ought to strive to appear to the very best advantage, mentally, physically and morally. If by the use of the powder puff, the paint brush and the brow pencil you can make yourself more winsome, you have my consent to use them freely. It is all right to supplement the works of God. To be ugly in an age like this is but little short of a sin against God and self."

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