Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Rev. Samuel Fallows: "Odin Fell Before Jehovah"


From a sermon by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Samuel Fallows, D.D., of the Reformed Episcopal church, delivered in Chicago, November 24.

We come to the closing of the war and the beginning of the conferences on peace with devout Thanksgiving to God for the multitude of His mercies toward us. We have now to reaffirm the great truth that "He hath made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on all the face of the earth."

One nation had forgotten its lineage and its obligations to other nations. Nay, its ruthless rulers had forsworn the God and Father of all mankind, and worshipped the pagan tribal god Odin.

In that greatest of all wars Odin was pitted against Jehovah. All the basest passions of barbaric men were let loose. All the resources of science were used to blast and blind and destroy.

Jehovah triumphed. Our glorious, victorious boys are coming home crowned with immortal honor. The recreant foes are begging for bread. We will give it, but for repentant rebels. Its strength must be used to help pay the immense debt it owes to the countries it has ravished and ravaged.

—Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette, Fort Wayne, IN, Dec. 2, 1918, p. 4.

Thanksgiving Day Prayer by British

The Rt. Rev. Samuel Fallows Offers Thanks for Victorious Peace

CHICAGO, Nov. 28. — The Rt. Rev. Samuel Fallows, Episcopal bishop today offered the following Thanksgiving day prayer, recommending its general use.

"O God the ruler of the nations, we devoutly thank Thee for the splendid victory Thou hast given us who have been contending for the right over the arch enemies of mankind.

"The peoples who sat in darkness have seen a great light, the light of liberty. Songs of unutterable joy have broken from their lips. Tears of gladness have bedewed their cheeks. The prisoners have leaped exultantly from their chains.

"Despotic rulers are fleeing in hottest haste. The reign of the Lord's anointed has begun.

"Confusion may exist before the foundations of justice and righteousness are fully established. But Thou who didst crown our arms with triumph will ever rule for lasting good.

"Give us the grace to re-arrange speedily for the best all our industrial and economic affairs. Unite more closely together all our varied nationalities at home and our faithful allies abroad.

"Bring into one great unity of brotherhood all diversified believers of every faith and creed. And as our brave boys come back we thank Thee that we can so joyously sing:

"Let all the nations know to earth's remotest bounds,

"The year of jubilee has come, return ye glorious heroes home.

"And to Thee be all the praise for ever. Amen."

—Sandusky Star Journal, Sandusky, OH, Nov. 28, 1918, p. 6.

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