Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Gospel Tent Ministries Going Strong — "A Waiting Savior"

Ada, Oklahoma, 1911

Gospel Tent on North School Ground

The congregation taxed the seating capacity last night at the tent on the North School ground where the pastor of the First Christian church is conducting a meeting.

The subject of the evening was "Throngers or Touchers," Mark 5:24-34. As long as men throng they are lost. Salvation is appropriated by the exercise of the sovereign will. "Whosoever will" rings all the way through God's word. All, every man, hardened in sin, the religionists, the moralists, must become touchers. The hardened sinner, Acts 16:25-31; the religionist, Acts 2:22-24; 32-38; the moral man, Acts 10:1-6; 11:14. All of these were pointed to the Christ as the source of salvation. The how to be saved is here set forth, faith, repentance, baptism.

The services will continue on each evening for the rest of the month at least. The subject for tonight will be "Who Could It Be but Jesus?"

Sunday at the Tent

There will be only one service at the tent on Sunday, the same being the evening service. The subject for this hour will be "A Closed Door and a Waiting Savior."

The Tent Meeting at 8th and Oak Avenue

Last night the subject was made very interesting. The "Fall of Babylon" (Spiritual Babylon) is not only interesting but immensely important. It was shown from scripture and plain admissions from leading men of various denominations that the churches are not what they used to be but are going back toward the mother church — Rome.

The eternal destiny of millions in Christendom depends on their attitude toward the "Fall of Babylon." If Rome is the "mother of harlots" who are the daughters? Are they not those who retain some of her false doctrines?

The subject tonight will be: "Spiritism." Sunday night: "The Two Covenants." Everybody should hear these.

We invite you.

—The Evening News, Ada, Oklahoma, July 15, 1911, p. 1.

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