Saturday, May 19, 2007

Made Well By Christian Science Faith Cure


Christian Science Claims Credit For Smallpox Patient's Recovery In Omaha

Omaha, Jan. 31.—The cure of a case of smallpox through Christian Science is asserted by the Omaha members of the cult and by the patient himself. Walter M. Rouse, when attacked by the disease two weeks ago. placed himself in the hands of Head Reader Chadwick for treatment, refusing to take medicine. Chadwick reported the case to the health officers, as the law requires, and Rouse was taken to the pesthouse.

Christian Scientists all over the city took the case in hand and gave absent treatment from the beginning. In addition the attendants at the pesthouse were very diligent, for the reason that Rouse objected to taking medicine.

Rouse declared yesterday that he had almost recovered, and that he owed his cure to the prayers of those who had for two weeks given him absent treatment. One of the leaders of the society said today that the outcome of this case tended to show that vaccination is unnecessary in the person of a Christian Scientist, but no opposition will be shown to the order of the health board on this point.

—Davenport Daily Republican, Davenport, IA, Feb. 1, 1901, p. 3.

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