Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Maryland Churches Doing "Great Things for God"

Maryland, 1893

A Minister's Trip in Caroline Co.

Rev. J. W. Fogle writes up his recent trip through Caroline. He says The M. E. Church at Ridgely under the faithful pastoral care of W. W. Sharp, has been visited by a gracious revival and the people are planning to do "great things for God." Subscriptions are being taken to build a much needed church which will cost about $3,000. It has never been the writer's lot to visit a more intelligent and wide awake people than live in this enterprising town.

The people of Hillsborough also share the labors of Rev. W. W. Sharp, and the revival fires have begun to burn. Several have professed having faith in Christ, and the interest generally is increasing. The M. E. Church here has had of late ample opportunity for testing the result of short term pastorates. In less than two years they have had four different pastors. But under the faithful ministry of the present pastor every interest of the church is being served and the church is taking on new life.

The pastor of Burrsville charge is Rev. J. E. Graham. Rev. Graham is an energetic, earnest man, and the interests of the church are being well served on this charge. The charge now consists of four appointments, namely: Wesley, Thawley's, White's and Sheppard's.

Thawley's has had a great revival.

The extra meeting at Wesley was good, and much interest is manifested in the general work of the church. The Epworth League there is working by the motto, "Look up, Lift up."

White's is moving on to victory in Jesus' name.

Sheppard's Church, located at the junction of the roads leading from Burrsville and Denton to Greensborough has known better days than at present. But a revival of religion would cause the church there to "put on her strength."

At Greensborough the veteran soldier in God's army and one who has worn the laurels of victory through years of hard fighting, ministers to the congregation of the M. E. Church in holy things. The revival fires are burning, and this church, conservative in its nature, is inquiring "for the old paths."

It is proposed to render the oratorio, "Esther, the Beautiful Queen," at Masonic Hall, Denton, on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, December 26 and 27. Sixty persons will take part, among them some of the best musicians in the county. Prof. James Swann has been for several weeks training the voices, and this should guarantee the success of the entertainment.

The grand Christmas bazar to be held in Mozart Hall, Greensborough, on December 14, 15 and 16, will be under the auspices of the ladies of Holy Trinity Church, and will be an interesting event. Mozart Hall will be a bower of beauty during the progress of the bazar.

Rev. J. D. C. Hanna, of Asbury M. E. Church, Wilmington, will preach on Burrsville circuit tomorrow as follows: Wesley, 10:00 a. m., Sheppard's, 2:30 p. m., and White's, 7:15 p. m.

—Denton Journal, Denton, Maryland, Dec. 9, 1893, p. 3.

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