Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Pale Blue Tights Stop Church Show


BOSTON, Mass., March 18. — Due to an error in booking on the part of a Boston theatrical agency, a wrong package was delivered at the Starrett Memorial Methodist Church and the "entertainment" offered by the Y.M.C.A. blew up with a loud report.

What the right package was nobody knows. The wrong one consisted of three shapely girls clad in pale blue silk tights, members of a Boston burlesque company.

The show was cut off in the prime of life, when three flashes of pale blue streaked out of the church platform wings and three feminine mouths opened in song. But the three mouths never closed again — at least not in song at that church.

The pastor, in full view of a "shocked" audience, ordered the three burlesque performers from the stage. The "entertainment" then succumbed.

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