Thursday, May 17, 2007

Humanity's Great Helper — The Divine Friend


The long foretold advent of Jesus the Divine Friend has made a tremendous difference for the race. We are not now living in the feted atmosphere of the Roman decadence, nor are our higher interests mocked by the Hellenic frivolity. The whole tone of life is better, and its promise fairer. And the glory of all this mental quickening and moral improvement belongs to Jesus Christ.

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea it meant that God had sent to humanity a helper. Humanity of and by itself is poor and weak and wanting; it requires assistance from beyond itself, and the help that it most urgently requires is salvation. The world's greatest need is a Saviour, and Jesus Christ came to be that redeemer. "Thou shalt call his name Jesus," said the angel, "for he shall save his people from their sins."

Comment: It's common to hear that before the World Wars there was a more optimistic outlook on human nature through the spread of religion and at least the conventional acceptance of its tenets. Then after World War I, the depths of sin were seen to be still pretty well ingrained, maybe not the same degree of progress as imagined. This tiny article doesn't get into all that in any explicit way. But you can see a hint of it in the contrast that Christianity brought between now and the long-ago decadence and frivolity. The difference is a "mental quickening and moral improvement," which is the phrase that brings this to mind. Society getting better and better, then the Lord comes!

Little articles like this, unless attribution is given to a publication, are apparently just little orphans of thought. They were obviously distributed far and wide by some syndicating agency for a fee, and used as fillers and content. I imagine someone hacking them out, hack writing, or maybe, like this one in particular, they're snippets from sermons.

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