Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Cult Has Christ in Rockford with Holy Ghost Children

Rockford, Illinois, 1889

Note: The first article mentions Rock Island but the actual place should have been Rockford. And the minister said to be the Son of God's name is missing an "i" that should be there, making it Schweinfurth. And I left the capitalization on "holy ghost" as published.

Something New for Rock Island

Of all the cranks that ever lived on the face of the earth Minneapolis has the worst, according to dispatches from there. His name is C. C. Whitney and he has a crazy idea in his head that Christ is on earth again in the flesh. He says that he lives in Rock Island and is a minister there by the name of Rev. G. J. Schwenfurth. Now we do not know whether there is such a man in Rock Island or not nor do we know anything further for or against him but Rock Island seems to be a queer place to select for the residence of the Christ. It is said that this man Whitney has succeeded in converting a number of people to his way of thinking.

—Davenport Morning Tribune, Davenport, IA, Feb. 16, 1889, p. 3.


Apostle Whitney Talks About the Latest Addition to Schweinfurth's Family

C. C. Whitney, the Minneapolis apostle of George J. Schweinfurth, has been seen and asked to explain the recent occurrence in Schweinfurth's household in Rockford, "the child born to Mary Weldon."

In reply Mr. Whitney said, "It was conceived by the holy ghost and born without sin. Miss Weldon is one of the redeemed."

"But did the holy ghost act through Mr. Schweinfurth?"

"That I am not prepared to say. The ways of God are inscrutable, but what I do say is we are no freelovers. We believe that absolute chastity should be the attribute of both sexes. We live perfectly pure, chaste lives."

"But how about man and wife, don't the members of your church who are married live together and raise children?"

"No, they do not. Any married couple bringing forth children would be considered guilty of adultery."

"But how about Miss Weldon?"

"That is different. She is one of the redeemed. The 'sanctified,' as St. Paul put it. None but the redeemed can bear children. These children are pure because they are conceived by the holy ghost, just as Jesus Christ was nearly 1,900 years ago."

"But how do you know Miss Weldon is redeemed or sanctified?"

"Because the spirit has announced that fact. It told her so three years ago when Mr. Schweinfurth was in Alpena, Mich."

"How many members of your church are redeemed?"

"I could not state positively, perhaps twelve or fifteen."

"Are any of them men?"

"None except Mr. Schweinfurth. Of course he is, as he is the son of God. The same spirit dwells in him that dwelt in Jesus Christ."

"Then do you claim that Mary Weldon was not approached by Mr. Schweinfurth and that he is not the physical father of her child?"

"I don't claim anything about which I don't know, but I know that child was conceived by the holy ghost."

"Do you think Miss Weldon would have borne that child if she had not seen a man for a year or two previous?"

"I do. I believe Miss Weldon to be, as she says she is, perfectly chaste."

"How, then, will the race be perpetuated?"

"By the holy ghost."

"The holy ghost will beget all the children when everybody is redeemed?"

"Yes, most certainly."

"What will man's function be? Wouldn't such an arrangement be considered rather partial?"

"I can't say as to that. All this is very mysterious. We can't divine God's purpose."

—Sioux Valley News, Correctionville, Iowa, Aug. 28, 1890, p. 1.

Note: In this article online, the writer says there was a cultish commune known as "Heaven," headed by George Jacob Schweinfurth, in Rockford. Some other interesting details are given there, including the cult eventually fading away and Schweinfurth moving to Chicago to sell real estate.

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