Monday, May 21, 2007

Church Ban on Encores Limits Otherwise Delightful Concert

Chicago, 1914


Friday evening, April 24th, at the Englewood Baptist Church, Stewart and Englewood Aves., Mary Cleveland Grabig directed and accompanied the Aeolian quartette in a most successful concert.

The ensemble numbers were marvels of beauty, both the selections and their singing by the quartette. It was a genuinely expressed regret that the church has put a ban on encores, as so many regretted not hearing the sprightly and humorous encores, usually given by the quartette.

Master Joe Winterbottom, the boy soprano, has an exquisite voice, and sang his solo and soprano part of his duet to the delight of all.

Messrs. Palmer, Rietdyke, Weidmaar and Granath, have beautiful voices and sang their solos with remarkable artistry and power.

It was the universally expressed opinion that in the many public appearances in Chicago, never has Mrs. Grabig played with such perfection and technic, brilliancy of touch and tenderness of expression. As several people said, "Mrs. Grabig does not play the piano, she talks to you."

—Suburbanite Economist, Chicago, May 1, 1914, p. 3.

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