Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Bicycle a Means of Grace


A Presbyterian minister, Rev. Roland D. Dawson, declares that the bicycle is a means of grace.

He lately preached a sermon on this topic, taking for his text the passage from Isaiah, "And their wheels were like a whirlwind." He suggested, moreover, that cobblestone streets could be made into good bicycle routes at small expense by covering them with a coat of asphalt.

He said wheelmen would be welcome to come to his church on their machines, and the bicycles would be cared for during service. As a means of giving women strength and independence and "freeing them from the slavery of the skirt" there was nothing like it.

The bicyclists ought to patronize his church in great force, for he called for the universal construction of wheel routes. He predicted that before long the bicycle would be the common means of transit, and every one not physically incapable would ride it.

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