Monday, May 21, 2007

Evangelist Preaches on Hindrances to the Gospel

Minnesota, 1913

Meetings Well Attended

Evangelist at Danish Baptist Church Thursday Evening Gave Interesting Talk — All Are Invited

At the revival meetings Thursday evening, being held by the Danish Baptist church in the city, Evangelist Fenwall gave a sermon on Hindrances of the gospel of Christ.

The speaker said in part: We can hinder it by using our own rights by living one day as a Christian and the next day in the world. You can stay at home from your church services when it is your duty to attend. We show in our life a cold, careless indifference. You can not be a Christian going away from your Saviour, because he has the power of drawing sinners unto him and every follower should grow more like the Master, the longer we live for him. So many are saying no one has asked me to become a child of God. Every follower of Jesus should be doing something. Jesus can save to the uttermost. The person that doubts this creates a crust around his own heart. Let no one think he can not be saved. This thought came from the evil one that puts this thought into your heart. Some are prejudiced against a preacher and look at his mistakes. This should not be, but look away from the person and accept the message and believe it and you shall be saved.

Many hinder the spirit by some hobby. Put it away. What is the glad tidings, "Christ Jesus came to the world that all that believe on him should have eternal life." At the close Miss Fenwall sang a solo: "Oh how you love him, when you know him." An invitation is extended for the meeting this evening at 7:30 and the evangelist will speak in the English language.

—The Evening Tribune, Albert Lea, Minnesota, Jan. 10, 1913, p. 4.

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