Monday, May 14, 2007

Prayer and Power


If you want your spiritual life to be more healthy and vigorous, you must just come more boldly to the throne of grace. The secret of your weakness is your little faith and little prayer. The fountain is unsealed, but you only sip a few drops. The bread of life is before you, yet you only eat a few crumbs. The treasury of heaven is open, but you only take a few pence. O man of little faith, wherefore do you doubt?

Come boldly to the throne of grace, where the Father is ever waiting to give, and Jesus stands by him to intercede. Come boldly, for you may, all sinful as you are, if you come in the name of the great High Priest. Come then boldly and ask largely, and you shall have abundant answers, mercy like a river, and grace and strength like a mighty stream. Come boldly and you shall have supplies exceeding all you can ask or think. Hitherto you have asked nothing; ask and receive, that your joy may be full. — Bishop J. O. Ryle.

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