Monday, May 14, 2007

Doctrine of Expediency Questioned Concerning War Effort

Indiana, 1917


Rev. Masters Delivers Sermon on the War Question.

Rev. H. B. Masters, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, delivered on Sunday, April 1, a sermon, which is considered masterful in its treatment of the war question and the cry of pacifism. The subject chosen by Rev. Masters was, "Shall We Adopt the Doctrine of Expediency," and the text was taken from the events leading up to the crucifixion of Christ, in which the people sacrificed principle to expediency.

It is by this giving up of principle that men and nations fall, according to Rev. Masters. When a nation allows another country to disregard its rights in order to save a sum of money and when men fail to offer themselves in one way or another to the service of their country in such a crisis, the nation and its people are doomed to the contempt of all nations. Rev. Masters also pointed out that a failure on the part of this country to protect its rights would be a blow to democracy.

—The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, April 9, 1917, p. 14.

Note: The pastor's name is given as Master, without an "s" a few times. That the article says his sermon was "considered masterful" does not appear to be a pun.

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