Friday, May 4, 2007

Subjects of Sermons in Some of Our City Churches

Frederick, Maryland, 1904

At St John's Catholic church yesterday Fr. W. J. Kane preached at the second mass at 10 a. m. on "The Importance of Salvation."

At the Evangelical Reformed church Dr. Eschbach preached in the morning from I Peter 5:8, "The work of the enemy of souls against us."

The services at the Presbyterian church yesterday were conducted by Rev. T. Freeman Dixon, pastor, who preached from Daniel 4:27, in the morning and from Numbers 21:17-18.

The services at the Methodist Episcopal church were conducted yesterday by Rev. L. A. Thirlkeld, pastor, who preached in the morning on "Sweet Meditation of God" and in the evening on "Fishing in Deep Places."

The services yesterday at the United Brethren church were conducted by the pastor, Rev. O. W. Stinespring. The subject of his morning sermon was "Believing Better than Seeing." At night his subject was "Working Together with God."

The services at Grace Reformed church yesterday were conducted by Rev. E. L. McLean. In the morning he preached upon "The Yoke of Christ," St. Matthew 11:30. The subject of a practical sermon in the evening was "The Value of Time," St. John 11:9. Announcement was made that Rev. McLean would preach to Columbia and Lynch Lodges of Free and Accepted Masons next Sunday evening.

—The News, Frederick, Maryland, June 20, 1904, p. 4.

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