Saturday, May 5, 2007

A Solomonic Judge – He Gets The Truth


A Solomonic Judge

Judge William Jefferson Pollard, who has just been appointed by President Taft as one of the United States delegates to the thirteenth International Congress against Alcoholism at The Hague, Holland, which meets in September, is a temperance reformer of an original type. It was Judge Pollard who originated the Pollard "pledge plan" for reforming drunkards — releasing the accused on signing the total abstinence pledge for one year.

Judge Pollard, not long ago, had a driver brought before him, charged with cruelty to a galled mule. The defense was supported by a veterinarian witness who declared that the sore on the animal's back did not cause it any pain. Learning that the mule was on the street in front of the police court, the judge ordered court to adjourn for five minutes; took his cane and went out to investigate personally. With the end of his stick he gently touched the sore spot, at which the mule kicked every time.

"With all due respect to the expert testimony, I will fine you $50," said Judge Pollard to the accused. I asked the mule if the sore hurt him, and he said it did." — Christian Herald.

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