Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Hundreds Converted at Shenandoah Revivals

Shenandoah, Iowa, 1908

Revivals at Shenandoah

Hundreds Converted by Evangelists in Page County

Shenandoah, Iowa, March 10 — Evangelist Hart and Singer Magan, who are here holding evangelistic meetings, are beginning to arouse much interest and definite results are following.

The big tabernacle has been erected here for them and all of the churches in the city except the Catholic are uniting in the meeting. They have been going for about two weeks and will continue until March 22.

The meetings yesterday were the most interesting that have yet been held. In the afternoon at 3 o'clock, for men only, about 1,400 men were present, and out of this number between 40 and 50 went forward for prayers. At the meeting Sunday night about 2,000 were present and about 70 went forward for prayers. It is reported that the conversions Sunday numbered about 100.

No services are being held in any of the churches and prayer meetings are being held in different parts of the city in the residences.

—The Daily Nonpareil, Council Bluffs, Iowa, March 11, 1908, p. 2.

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