Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Holiness Healing Reported at Marion

Indiana, 1905

An Aged Man Cured of Palsy as He Knelt at the Altar in a Holiness Tent

Marion, Ind., Aug. 18. — A remarkable case of healing is reported from the tent meeting of Levi Lupton, of the Holiness society, which is now holding its third annual meeting in the grove near the old normal building on Thirty-eighth street. A few weeks ago Mr. Lupton arrived in his private gospel car, which was sidetracked at a convenient point on the belt line, and he proceeded to arouse great spiritual interest in the vicinity of the tents at the scene of the camp meeting.

Wednesday was announced by Lupton as a time for divine healing. Among those who attended the meetings was Aaron Sims, a palsied man of near Fairmont. Sims was 77 years of age, and in addition to his palsy was crippled with rheumatism to the extent that he had to use a cane in walking. His afflictions had rested on him for many years.

When the invitation was extended to those assembled to come to the altar and be healed of their afflictions, Sims was one to go forward. For a long time he sat on the altar rail before kneeling to ask in prayer that his infirmities be taken away from him. He finally knelt, and in the midst of the shouting and exhortations going on all about him he quickly arose, threw away the cane on which he had leaned for many years, and ran and skipped like a boy, proclaiming that he was cured of his afflictions.

Those who had known Sims a long time could scarcely believe their eyes at the sight of him in activity. He apparently had no palsy or rheumatism. It was in the morning that the healing occurred and Aaron Sims remained about the tents all day uttering praises for his deliverance. Before leaving in the evening he presented Mr. Lupton his cane, stating that he was a poor man and had little else to give him.

—The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Aug. 18, 1905, p. 8.

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