Monday, May 14, 2007

The Herald of Good Cheer Will Preach

New Jersey, 1907


The herald of good cheer who will preach at First M. E. Church tomorrow

Sixteen hundred million human beings live on our planet today and each individual of this countless myriad has friends who have crossed the great divide and entered the dark valley, called death, Camille Flammarian, the great French philosopher says.

That the soul exists as a force we do not doubt, that it is one with the cerebral atom, the principle of organization, we may admit. That it thus survives the dissolution of the body we conceive. But what becomes of it? Whither does it go? Who then is not interested in the awe inspiring subject pertaining to the beyond and who is not an eager seeker after any light which may be shed upon this immortal and ever-absorbing topic? No one has ever returned from the unseen land to which millions are passing every year to portray the events which there have taken place, and all our knowledge must be obtained from the interpretation of God's word.

Theologians study these great points, commentators comment upon and strive to bring out the force and facts as they penetrate these sublime mysteries. Pastors formulate their own ideas after long and serious thought and preach sermons touching upon these marvelous questions. Orators and authors delve into the wonderful problems and prepare arguments and reason the why and why not of all the many advancing theories which have arisen regarding the life beyond and yet the human mind and the burdened soul and the stricken home and the broken-hearted friend as pictured through the earth tabernacle of frail humanity grasps at all this hoping to hear some good news, some cheering omen, longing for a ray of hope and faith to meet their individual case and help them as in sorrow they plod along the pathway of life.

Dr. Bolton is a born optimist, sees the bright side of life, has met and mastered many obstacles through his long pilgrimage, and cheerful under all circumstances, chases gloom away by his unswerving belief in the goodness of his Creator. His life has been one continuous good cheer to others. All along his pathway as he has preached the glorious gospel which he represents he has looked beyond and studied the wonderful unfolding of this earth-life as it is transformed into the soul-life beyond. A matured man beaming with life and happiness, he is a great student of human nature, an astute and scholarly leader in the higher realms of thought and influence and has been a special seeker for knowledge regarding the afterlife.

Dr. Bolton comes to First M. E. Church tomorrow and will bring messages of hope and love as he presents to us his views on these momentous and exalted subjects.

In the morning at 10:30 his topic will be "Walk About Zion." In the evening at 7:45 he will preach upon one of the greatest themes ever pondered over by the human intellect, "Our Friends Beyond."

—Trenton Evening Times, Trenton, New Jersey, Dec. 7, 1907, p. 8.

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