Sunday, May 13, 2007

Herald Blasts — "When God's Fire is Burning"


A cold church will soon begin to warm up when God's fire is burning in the preacher's heart.

"I shall not want," is always the song of the soul in which there is no doubt.

Whoever gives his body to be burned, and has not love, throws away his ashes.

No greater mistake can be made than to make the accumulation of riches the first business of life.

The lantern that only shines when the sun shines will never be of any service to those who are lost.

Unless we say "Our Father" in our money getting, we cannot worship God by saying it in church.

Without consistent Christian life to back up the preacher, there is no use in ringing the church bell.

The preacher who puts thought into his sermons will, sooner or later, find himself preaching to people who think.

It hurts more to live a day without prayer than without bread.

Suppose there are hypocrites in the church, does that make your sinning any safer?

The man who loves sin is a sinner, no matter how much he pays for a pew in church.

Begin every day with this thought: What happens to-day will be what God sees is best.

The Christian never has to count his cash to find out how much he has to be thankful for.

Isn't there a strong touch of hypocrisy in thanking God for the bread and finding fault with the cook? — Home Herald.

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