Thursday, May 3, 2007

Doesn't Believe a Preacher Can Lead an Honest Life


LAWRENCE, Kansas — "I don't believe a minister of the Gospel can lead an honest life now," was the startling statement made by Rev. D. H. Carrick, who has just resigned from the pastorate of the North Lawrence Christian Church. Mr. Carrick has accepted a position with the Lawrence Street Railway Company as a conductor.

"The public never sees behind the screen of the pastor's home," said Mr. Carrick, "or it might realize the trials, the griefs, the pains which the pastor and his wife are forced to bear. A minister's wife cannot make even a pretense of dressing or dining well or the people will think they are paying the pastor too much, or that he ought to save part of his salary and give it to the missions. He cannot put on a pair of patent leather shoes without every single person who has contributed toward his salary looking at them as if to say, 'I helped pay for those shoes.'

"No sir, I don't believe a minister can live a really honest life. If he preaches the truth he will be condemning the lives of most of his congregation and offending them.

"Thank God, I am earning an honest living now and nobody can criticize me."

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