Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Women Before the Pope


Most people know that it is etiquette at the papal court for women, whatever their rank, to appear in black, but few know that an exception to this rule is made for the pope's sisters and niece, all of whom are privileged to wear white at the audiences and church ceremonies, but the old ladies do not avail themselves of the relaxation of an ordinary rigid regulation, though the niece makes a point of wearing white when attending papal functions, her mantilla as well as her dress being as white as snow.

Another little known point of papal etiquette is that women who come to the public or private audiences must keep the right hand uncovered; indeed. it is even more correct for both hands to be ungloved. — Lady's Pictorial.

Motor Boats on Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is a government monopoly, and at present is leased out to a small native company. They have a wooden boat built for a sailing vessel, but about six months ago had a motor put in it. If this company succeeds they might try a couple more motor boats.

The Dead Sea is one third solid matter, the greater part of which is salt, and the question to answer is: Can the hulls stand the action of this salt water? People in this country are not wealthy enough to afford a motor boat for pleasure only, and as no one would be allowed to use one on the Dead Sea, Jaffa is the only possible market for boats in the district.

The Jordan valley, the river and the Dead Sea are the personal property of the sultan. A permit must be first obtained from the sultan before boats of any kind can be launched thereon. Such permits have heretofore been very difficult to procure for motor boats.

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