Monday, May 7, 2007

What We See in Easter


We see in Easter not merely a memorial of a long gone past, but a witness to the truth that the grave is always empty, that the living are never to be sought among the dead and that a divine presence ever walks the earth, the companion now, as then, of those whose eager questioning needs answer and whose earnest but perhaps almost despairing hope needs inspiration which only He can give, says the Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott.

Flowers in The Churches

Easter is essentially Christ's day. And Christ loved beautiful, simple, reverent things. For that reason, keep your churches simple, beautiful and reverent. Christ would not have enjoyed tight bunches of flowers with their poor little stems all choked up. He would have wanted them to be loosely, gracefully, happily placed. Christ would not have loved the rare orchids and the hot-house palms better than the field daises and the nodding daffodils and the shy arbutus.

Trim your churches with an eye to color and a sense of grouping, and, above all, the spirit of love in your heart.

And your church home, blessed by God's flowers, cannot fail to be beautiful and simple and reverent. — Margaret E. Sangster, in the Christian Herald.

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