Monday, May 7, 2007

Reverend Who Wrote "Onward, Christian Soldiers" Dying


By Arthur Brisbane

The Reverend Baring-Gould, 90 year old, is dying at his Devonshire home in England. That means something to millions of Americans, who will not know it, untold that Baring-Gould wrote "Onward, Christian Soldiers."

How many recall the country school house prayer meeting, after a long walk on muddy roads, on Sunday evenings, or the Sunday school, in the old church, of millions that see this announcement. How many, as little children, sang the words "Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus going on before," and admiring the old lady in the camels-hair shawl, about to make her voice quiver as she sang.

Baring-Gould will meet in heaven many that will say "I used to sing your hymn." Perhaps they sing it there.

—Nevada State Journal, Reno, Nevada, Dec. 17, 1923, p. 1 .

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