Saturday, May 5, 2007

Ram's Horns – Observations on The Christian Life


The devil never makes any flank movements for which God is not prepared.

Put a pig in a parlor, and its first question will be, "Well, Where's your mud?"

There are a good many things the devil can't do without the help of a hypocrite.

Whoever gives as God prospers him, will never have to stop giving for lack of funds.

Until we are willing to do all in our power to answer our prayer, we do not pray.

The man who can learn from his own mistakes, can always be learning something.

Whenever God's chariot comes to a standstill, it is because there are obstacles in the way that human hands can remove.

Before we try to lead others, we ought to be sure that we are closely following Christ.

Many are willing to do what God wants them to do, who don't want to be what he wants them to be.

The man who puts the bottle to his neighbor's lips, first puts a nail through the hand of Christ.

The devil's work in this world has always been most hindered by those who were most like Christ.

No matter how large the gift, or how bright, it means nothing, unless behind it there is a heart that worships.

A revival is badly needed where the people who try the hardest to run the church never go to prayer meeting.

Christ never authorized anybody to make a prayer for the salvation of men, that could he measured by square miles.

No matter what a man says in church, you know what kind of religion he has when you know what kind of company he keeps. — Ram's Horn.

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