Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Prodigal Son — Not According to Scripture


British Journalist Reports an Amusing Incident on a Tram

Old stories repeat themselves in actual life. An incident which was witnessed recently reminded a British journalist of the errant young hopeful who returned home, and when asked afterward whether they killed the fatted calf, said: "No, but they jolly near killed the prodigal son."

It occurred in a suburban tram car. Two women entered, followed by a nice little boy in a nice sailor suit, with "H. M. S. Venus" on his cap. Mother explained to her friend how the lad had been lost and retrieved from the police station, with touching references to the anguish of her heart during his absence.

But observing that the small boy was preening his feathers with pride, the mother boxed his ears soundly, remarking, "And a nice blinkin' beauty of a Venus you are, I don't think!"

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