Saturday, May 5, 2007

Notes on Religion – Love Unites All Graces


Other Anvils

The Standard: Love is like the diamond — pure, white. Other graces shine like the precious stones of nature, each with its own hue of brilliance; the diamond uniting all colors with one beautiful and simple white. Love, uniting all graces, is "the fulfilling of the law," the beauty of holiness, "the image of God."

Presbyterian Messenger: The atmosphere of a house is what makes it homelike. Every living creature has an atmosphere of his own. He can be as chilly and damp and disagreeable as a March wind; he can be as bright, cheerful and charming as a June morning; he can be as dark and impenetrable as a November fog, or as crisp and electric as a day in December.

New York Mail and Express: It has recently been announced that two eminent western clergymen have joined in an enterprise to organize dramatic companies with a view of preventing immoral dramas upon the stage, and thereby to encourage the drama as a moralizing factor in the education of the people at large. The experiment is shortly to be tested at the People's Institute in Chicago.

London Commonwealth: Hebrew is rapidly becoming a living language again. This is one of the singular facts of the age. In Jerusalem and throughout Palestine there is a remarkable resurrection of the language of Moses. The only papers published in Palestine are two weeklies, both in Hebrew. In 1893, a Jewish monthly was started for juvenile readers, and this also was in Hebrew. There are households where only Hebrew is spoken. Here we have a sign of the times. The Jews cannot die out while they keep their old language alive.

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