Sunday, May 6, 2007

New Cathedral Will Be Finished in 2007


NEW YORK, Jan 31 — At the present rate of progress it is estimated it will take about one hundred years to complete the Cathedral of St John the Divine. This it is said will be a rather short time considering the years spent in the construction of the really great cathedrals of the Old World.

At a meeting of the trustees yesterday a gift of $50,000 was announced from H. C. Fahnestock. The contribution is to be applied to the construction of the crossing as the intersection of the two great aisles is termed. The donor was for years identified with the First National Bank of this city.

The trustees hope that further gifts may be received which will make it possible to finish the cathedral before the year 2007.

—Oakland Tribune, Oakland, CA, Jan. 31, 1907, p. 4.

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