Saturday, May 12, 2007

In Memory of One Who Passed Away – "Sleeping in Jesus"



On Jan. 17th, C. D. Domhaugh, who from boyhood has been loved, was laid to rest in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing friends. On Tuesday afternoon a bright winged angel visited his chamber and whispered "Gentle spirit, come away." Like one falling into a gentle sleep he passed away from earth, at an age when life's hopes are brightest and its promises seem on the verge of fulfillment, the silver cord was loosed and the golden bowl was broken. He sleeps in Jesus.

He has gone to the mansions above
To join with the glorified there;
His spirit is bathing in oceans of love,
Now free from all sorrow and care.

He's sleeping in Jesus, he rests with the blest,
His home is beyond the blue sky
Where saints of all ages will ever find rest,
And heart treasures never will die.

Brief was his stay with his friends here below,
Ere the spirit wing spread for the flight,
And the love kindled flame in his heart shed a glow
On the tomb and its shivering night.

He has gone from earth's toil, gone from its cares,
Where angels their melodies raise;
Gone to that land where the saints' fervent prayers,
Shall turn into rapturous praise.

—Daily Star, Marion, Ohio, Jan. 18, 1878, p. 1.

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