Friday, May 4, 2007

Evangelist Makes The Air Tingle: Takes On Sin, Churches, Pastors, Newspaper

Van Wert, Ohio, 1912


Promise of Fur Laden Atmosphere Fully Realized Upon by Large Audience.

Evangelist Makes the Air Tingle — Critics Held Up to Shame for Adverse Comment.


The official promise issued from the platform of The Tabernacle, carrying notice that a fur-laden atmosphere would prevail at the service of last night, breaking the complacency which existed on the preceding days of the week, brought out an increased attendance and was realized upon to the fullest, the utterances of The Evangelist extending in their scope to that carnivore of the weasel family whom the experienced and informed always flee in mad haste.

Oliver spoke from the text "Turn Ye to the Stronghold," found in the book of Zechariah, in reference to protection found only in The Jehovah or in The Savior. He dealt with the subject in three divisions — The Absence of Hope, embracing the people who have no expectation of the Heavenly reward in the great hereafter, persons whose physical being is completely burned out by the disease and plague of sin and exist merely because God, in His mercy, has not struck them down; people who are confined in the prison house of condemnation, upon whom the sentence of death has already passed because they believeth not; people who are caught in the tremendous speed of the age and are rushing with the currents, unmindful of their soul's salvation because they can not extract themselves from the every day affairs of this despicable age, this shallow age, this superficial age, this age merely living on the surface; this age in which the weightier matters of the law of God and the law of home are lost sight of; this age where the dizzy rush makes life take on the appearance of a dish of succotash for the posers of piety in the church who attempt to mix religion and amusements.

Branching out into the text, Dr. Oliver spoke at length upon three phases of his subject, setting forth that certain highways lead unerringly to that blessed stronghold — The City of God. First, the Highway of Bible Study. There are too many Bibles in Van Wert considering the number that are reverently and daily read. It would be better that many never heard of the Bible than to sell the soul as Faust of old. Gen. Lew Wallace walked down the highway of Bible Study when he wrote that masterpiece Ben Hur. The highway of Bible Study is the highway to repentance, the highway of hope; it establishes the standard for living by all classes both the old and the young.

Second, the Highway of Confession. Confess your faults one to another, your sins, your transgressions. There are some who would rather go to hell than to expose their wickedness of the past; some who would rather go to Hell than tell their wives of the sins of the years gone by; some who would rather go to hell than confess that they Have lied about meetings like this; some who would rather go to hell than to have the manhood of confessing that they have lied about the ministers of the gospel. You don't have to leave Van Wert to find a great bunch of that kind. At this juncture The Evangelist gave vent to his deepest feelings and broke into the most thunderous burst of oratory ever heard in a Van Wert pulpit, in which he took recognition of contributed articles printed in The Van Wert Daily Times, under the head of "The Forum," accompanied by the explanation that the matter is the personal opinions of its readers whose names are affixed to the article. In this connection Dr. Oliver said in part:

Do you know why some men hate me in this town? Do you know why they write polecat letters for one of your newspapers in this town, which doesn't have character enough to come out boldly and attack these meetings and openly express its own opinions? It is because I have advocated that these men should clean up and confess their dirty sins, their dirty lives before God and before men. I have not read the letters to which I refer. I am a gentleman. But my attention has been called to them by prominent citizens who are sick and tired of the whole matter. I have less respect for any editor who will print such dirty stuff in his paper than I have for the polecat who will write it. There are people in this town who can never enjoy the respect of the community until they clean up in regard to moral rottenness. The pure men and the pure women are with us.

Dr. Oliver continued his remarks with a special address to husbands and wives in which it was declared with emphasis that any and all who live in adultery or are guilty of adulterous acts can not enter the Kingdom of God until they confess their sins. This section of the sermon was illustrated with a number of pointed stories touching upon disregard of the binding vows of the marriage ceremony and with the further declaration that "I have no desire to bear the story of your sins, the ministers don't want to hear these stories of your sins, but public confession of Christ is commanded by the Creator Himself.

There are people who put off decisions in this campaign in the expectation that they will slip into church after the fight is over, flip into church where a backbonelesss puppet occupies the pulpit. The man or the woman who is staying away from this meeting and fails to clean up does so because they expect to get into church on a compromise. The real soldier does not enlist after the war is over. The real soldier stands for and comes out foursquare for God and purity, for public decency, for civic righteousness and all kinds of decency. This thing of slinking around with a lot of dirty, drunken reprobates should be made a thing of the past; the floors of decent homes should be closed against the dirty bums who fight religion. The fight is on. Do you want to get on God's side or do you want to go to hell? You can draw your own conclusions about the fellows who haven't the character to come out when the fight it on.

Third, the Highway of the Church of The Lord, of Jesus Christ. It getting hard enough to find Christians within the church. There are too many who proclaim "I go to all of them." They constitute a sort of religious hobo. They go to all of them get a hand-out without paying any them. The church is the only organization on the face of the earth which is authorized to administer the sacred rights of baptism. The Bible mentions it specifically. The sweetest time the child of God has this side of Heaven is there where be has before him the emblems of the suffering of the Savior. We need the church and we need active, consecrated members. Convert, join the church and live up to, the rules. If the preacher doesn't preach to suit you tell him to shoot bigger shells. If it hurts you, go the preacher and thank him for having the backbone to preach the truth.

In closing Dr. Oliver related the story of the heart-broken soldier of the Civil War who sought an audience with the President in order that he might procure leave to go to the bedside of his dying wife, but was denied admission to the White House by the sentry, but, later, through the kind-hearted little Tad Lincoln was led into the executive mansion and was handed the much-sought for furlough, accompanied with the blessing of that great man of God, the greatest of our presidents. You can search in vain for a more beautiful story of intercession on earth without avail, until you turn to nineteen hundred years ago when one walked out, following sin-burdened, weeping humanity and said: I am the way, the salvation.

—The Van Wert Daily Bulletin, Van Wert, OH, April 5, 1912, p. 2.

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