Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Evangelist: Can't Be 50-50, Christ or Devil, Mark of the Beast

Ohio, 1921

Methodist Meetings

Evangelist Changes Style in Handling of Sermon Subject — Splendid Attendance

Evangelist Birney has changed his style somewhat at the revival meetings at the First M. E. Church. Always earnest and persuasive, he has taken on new energy of expression and new earnestness of appeal as he approaches the end of his engagement here. Last night he based his sermon on several passages in the book of Revelation, which speak of the marks of the beast upon the hand and the forehead. It was an earnest appeal for an out and out immediate decision for Christ.

He said in part: "Those who received the mark of the beast in these highly figurative passages were marked for destruction. They bore the marks of hell upon their hand and upon their forehead. Those who did not bear the marks of the beast were those who had chosen Christ and would be saved in the day of wrath. They were all marked for salvation or for destruction — for heaven or hell. So it is to-night. There is no such thing as a third class. All are either marked with the mark of the beast or of the Lamb. There is no neutrality, no neutral class. There is no such thing as a fifty-fifty Christian. Just as there was no such thing as a fifty-fifty American during the war so there is no such thing as a fifty-fifty Christian as long as the war against sin is on. You are for Christ or the beast.

"You cannot sidestep and play fast and loose with the devil. You may say 'Good God, good devil,' but it deceives no one but yourself. 'Choose you this day whom you will serve,' — but don't imagine you can serve both God and the devil at the same time. Everyone in the congregation is either on the road to heaven or on the road to hell and it is up to you to decide which it will be. O, why do you take any chance, my brother? You may leave this building undecided and never have another chance to throw off the mark of the beast. Which side are you on? Whose mark is on you? God help every one here to choose heaven and to avoid hell. Why not decide now? Choose ye, choose ye. Don't try to be a fifty-fifty Christian, but come out on the Lord's side without delay."

Dr. Birney's subject to-night is "The Tragedy of Neglect." Friday afternoon his subject is "The Lord's Prayer." Friday night is Young People's night. The subject is "In the Garden of God."

—Van Wert Daily Bulletin, Van Wert, Ohio, March 3, 1921, p. 2.

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