Monday, May 7, 2007

Easter Gifts


The very pleasant Easter custom of sending Easter cards to our friends or of making them simple and inexpensive gifts is a good one provided we do not carry it to an extreme. The springtime is a busy season when every one is weeding out one's possessions rather than seeking to add to them; hence numerous large gifts would prove a burden to the recipient. Eggs have always been associated with the day as symbolic of the resurrection. Bonbonnieres of this shape or candy eggs are always popular.

Flowers and growing plants are especially appropriate to the day, Easter lilies being always in demand. A corsage bouquet of violets or of lilies of the valley is a pretty gift to a girl. The man who makes it must be careful to have it sent to the house of the girl in time for her to wear to church on Easter morning. Neckties or scarves are suitable gifts to make to a man who is a relative or friend, provided one knows his tastes. — Florence Howe Hall in Chicago News.


God hath sent His angels
To the earth again,
Bringing joyful tidings
To the sons of men.
They who first at Christmas
Thronged the heavenly way.
Now beside the tomb door
Sit on Easter day.
Angels, sing His triumph
As you sang His birth.
"Christ the Lord is risen,
Peace, good will on earth."
In the dreadful desert
Where the Lord was tried,
There the faithful angels
Gathered at his side.
And when in the garden,
Grief and pain and care
Bowed Him down with Anguish
They were with Him there.
Yet the Christ they honor
Is the same Christ still,
Who, in light and darkness.
Did His Father's will.
And the tomb, deserted.
Shineth like the sky.
Since He passed out from it
Into victory.
God has still His angels
Helping, at His word.
All His faithful children
Like their faithful Lord.
Soothing them in sorrow,
Arming them in strife.
Opening wide the tomb doors
Leading into life.
Father, send Thine angels
Unto us, we pray;
Leave us not to wander
All along our way.
Let them guard and guide us
Whereso'er we be,
Till our resurrection
Brings us home to Thee.
—Phillips Brooks

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