Saturday, May 5, 2007

Be of Good Cheer, Child of God


Be of Good Cheer

It was amid the storm and darkness, the ship going to pieces which was carrying Paul a prisoner to Rome, that the grand, heroic man bade all aboard to be of good cheer, he gave a reason for his quiet courage: "There stood by me this night an angel of God, whose I am and whom also I serve, saying, fear not, Paul; for you must stand before Caesar. Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer, for I believe God, and it shall be even so as it has been spoken unto me."

No matter what may come to God's witnesses they need not fear. It is for them simply to be faithful to their testimony. The battle in us and around us, now as ever, is between truth and falsehood, righteousness and unrighteousness, Christ and Satan. By reason of our unbelief and perverseness and selfishness, the way may be long and through the wilderness, yet he leadeth us. It is for us to add to our faith, courage, manliness, patience, that we may endure to the end.

God reigns, and if he be for us we are stronger than all who are against us. The triumph of wickedness is short. Be of good cheer, child of God.

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