Friday, May 4, 2007

The Apples of Eden — How Many Did Adam and Eve Eat?


How many apples did Adam and Eve eat? Some say Eve 8 and Adam 2 — a total of ten only. Now we figure the thing out far differently. Eve 8 and Adam 8 also. — Total 16. — Boston Journal.

We think the above figures are entirely wrong. If Eve 8 and Adam 82, certainly the total will be 90. Scientific men, however, on the strength of the theory that the antediluvians were a race of giants, and consequently great eaters, reason something like this: Eva 81 and Adam 82. — Total 163. — Gloucester Advertiser.

Wrong again. What could be clearer than, if Eve 81 and Adam 812 the total was 893. — Lawrence American.

If Eve 811st and Adam 812 would not the whole be 1,623? — Boston Journal.

I believe the following to be the true solution: Eve 814 Adam, Adam 8124 Eve. — Total 8,938. — Veritas.

Still another calculation is as follows: If Eve 814 Adam, Adam 81242 oblige Eve. — Total 82,056. We think this, however, not to be of sufficient quantity; for though we admit that Eve 814 Adam, Adam, if he 8081242 keep Eve company. — Total 8,082,056. — New York Mail.

Mathematicians, you're all at fault. If Eve 81421st tempt Adam, Adam must have 81242XL Eve! — Total 812,505,150. — Portchester Journal.

Now set 'em up in the other alley. Old Mathematics, you haven't got to the "root" of the matter yet. If Eve 814 Adam, of course Adam 81242 make it square. — Total 6,600,263,378. — Colby Echo.

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