Saturday, June 2, 2007

Adam Was Rib, Woman Says


Mrs. Gilman Asserts at Feminist Gathering Eve Came First In Garden of Eden

New York, Feb. 20 — Adam, not Eve, was the rib. That is, instead of woman springing from the rib of man it happened the other way — man was fashioned from the rib of woman, who came first in the Garden of Eden. So declared Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Gilman, a leader of the feminist movement.

Elaborating on her address delivered before 100 women, Mrs. Gilman brought out these tenets of her belief:

First, the highest form of life is the female of the species — any species. Woman has progressed, while man has failed to develop physiologically speaking.

Woman's sphere is motherhood and the growth of the race, while man is but a hunter and fighter. Only as she serves man in motherhood is woman considered useful and protected.

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