Saturday, June 30, 2007

Good Cheer in Religion


It is a happy thing to live. It is a happy thing to die. Our religion has the promise of the life that now is and also of that which is to come. It makes the world ours and all things in it.

We rejoice in its beauty and its joys, the laughter of little children, the love of young men and maidens, the grave friendship of the old, the confidence of life and the calm and trust which belong to us all. Our religion now tells us to look upon these and all the beautiful things of life, and to take them, holding them in holiness as the happy gifts of our glad God.

And, above all these, and in all these, Christ is now revealed to us. He was and He will be. Yea, and He is. No other day ever set Him so high or loved Him so dearly. To be sure, there is enough that is dark still, and the shadows could be drawn heavily, sadly, but this hour let us see the sunshine and play in it.

The Lord Christ! He is the good cheer of religion to-day, as He has been in all days. If our good cheer is better and cheerier than any of old, it is because we see him more clearly and love Him more dearly because we have gone a little further in making our life His and Him our life. — Congregationalist.

Rewards of Life

The man who sees in life the opportunity to express himself in the highest terms, who after ascertaining what faculties he has determines to develop them to the highest possible efficiency, who is capable of seeing the sweetness and joy that he has about him, who, being proud, does not allow his body or mind to be defiled, he is the one who obtains the big rewards, the big successes. — Mental Growth and Control.

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