Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Said by the Youngsters in Church


Some Bright Remarks Worth Preserving, From Childish Lips

A little girl, after listening to the hymn, "In heaven there stands an ever open door," remarked that there must be two heavens, " 'cause grandma'd never had any open door where she is." And a dear little country laddie, visiting a city Sunday school and hearing about the "many mansions" of the better land, later explained that they had been "studying all about 'Paradise Flats.' "

Ecclesiastical modes and matters frequently are puzzling to the little ones. A small Chicago citizen was taken to a fine church, where the music, windows, furnishings, and all accessories were as impressive as the building. The minister, living up to his enviable reputation as an orator, indulged in a brilliant rhetorical flight.

"I know," he declared, "who gilds the sun and silvers the stars and paints the flowers and tints the sky and lends to the rivers their beauty, to the ocean its glory, to the skies their perfect light," and so on through long and effective periods. Finally came the interrogatory climax: "Who is it, my friends, who performs all these wonders? Who is it? Who?"

From the front pew where the baby listener had been all eager attention came a shrill, disappointed pipe: "You said you knew!"

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