Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Value of Science on Modern Faith

California, 1922

Miracles are not in keeping with the scientific interpretation of life and the universe. Human ignorance, carelessness, vice and greed are the causes of most disease. The rules of sanitation are not observed and scores of innocent persons die. Supernatural belief, which may bar the use of simple medicine, is responsible for the death of many more. Physicians and surgeons are among the greatest benefactors of mankind.

These statements were made by Rev. Clarence Reed, pastor of the First Unitarian church, in a sermon on "Prayer Cures vs. Medical Cures," delivered yesterday morning.

"It was perfectly natural for primitive man to believe that the different diseases from which he suffered were imparted to him by evil spirits," Rev. Reed said. "He beheld from day to day what seemed to him to be miracles of cure, because he did not understand the laws of the universe.

"If a person accepts the literal interpretation of the Bible, it is natural for him to believe in the possibility of prayer and faith cures. But the person who accepts the scientific interpretation of life and the universe does not believe in miracles. If Christ and His apostles performed miracles there is no reason devout Christians cannot perform them today.

"Auto-suggestion has great value in the treatment of certain diseases. No matter what a person's belief or theory may be in regard to prayer or faith healing, most people have sense enough to send for a physician in case of serious sickness.

"Prayer has been valued in the past as a means to obtain material prosperity and health. The aim of prayer should be to help man develop himself by treasuring the highest ideals in his mind, and seeking the uplift of mankind."

—Oakland Tribune, Oakland, CA, Aug. 21, 1922, p. 8.

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