Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Fine Lecture and Views of The Holy Land


Rev. W. P. Reekie, B. A., who lectured in the Nena Street Baptist church on Friday evening on the Holy Land, was greeted by an audience that completely filled the building. The lecture was illustrated by eighty limelight views of scenes witnessed by Mr. Reekie in a journey from Manitoba, to, through, and from the Holy Land two years ago.

In introducing his lecture Mr. Reekie showed some views in the British Isles. As the picture of the late Queen was thrown on the canvas the spontaneous applause testified to the large place she still holds in the hearts of our people. The picture of the King was greeted with the hearty singing of the national anthem. These were followed by views of places made memorable because of their association with the earthly life of the Christ. The views were all that could be desired and any who were so fortunate as to view them will have a better understanding of the record of the Christ as given in the Gospels. The lecture closed with a number of views from the Passion week. The singing of appropriate hymns by the choir as different views were put on the canvas added much to the enjoyment of the evening.

The lecturer was at his best and held the undivided attention of his hearers. His remarks, as he explained the different views, were at times humorous, at times touching and always interesting and instructive. It would be difficult to say too much concerning the merit of the lecture and the high character of the views. If Mr. Reekie visits Winnipeg again we are much mistaken it he does not require a much larger building to hold his audience.

—Manitoba Morning Free Press, Winnipeg, Aug. 11, 1902, p. 11.

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