Monday, June 25, 2007

Japan's Great Cathedral


When foreign architects visit Japan and see the Cathedral of Buddhism for the first time they are generally astonished at the magnificent structure. It is executed in pure Oriental style, and is richly ornamented with curvings. H. Ito, a famous builder, of Nagova City, designed it. The structure was commenced in 1878, and was completed this year. The cost has been estimated at $17,000,000. It would have greatly exceeded this amount had not numbers of Buddhists worked without any recompense.

As the structure neared completion the committee having the work in charge was much perplexed as to fire insurance. They found that no company would assume the risk on such a valuable wooden structure, the danger of destruction by fire being very great, and thus the premiums would amount to an enormous sum of money. At last the committee decided on a design devised by Dr. Tanabe. Numbers of powerful foundations were constructed, both exterior and interior, which can be made to play on all parts of the structure at the same time.

Usually only one great ornamental fountain is playing, rising to the great height of 157 feet. This is probably the largest artificial fountain in existence, emitting 82,080 gallons per hour. In case of fire all the water pressure is directed through the numbers of exterior and interior fountains, thus every part of the structure, both inside and out, could soon be drenched, and any conflagration soon extinguished.

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