Sunday, June 10, 2007

Child's "Higher Criticism"


Reflecting alike the spirit of the times towards the so-called "higher criticism" of the Bible and incidentally judging by her own experience, which was her only source of comparison, the following incident is one of those delicious stories of children's sayings that is worth printing.

There is a mother in this town who gives her youngsters instruction on Sunday mornings in the Bible. Last Sunday the miracles of Jesus were under discussion and particularly the marvelous experience of the sick under the healing power of Jesus. The mother read to her little ones about the son of the centurion, who was sick nigh unto death, and how he was healed by the Master. She impressed upon her little brood that only He could have done such a thing and how wonderful it was and all that.

The children showed varying degrees of appreciation, and the eldest of the group, giving voice to the two influences referred to above, said in a tone of no little scorn and skepticism, "Humph! That's nothing, I could have done that myself. I could have made him well."

The mother expostulated and impressed again the wondrous experience and what its significance was. The child held her position and finally when her mother asked how she would have done it, triumphantly brought out the astounding answer: "I'd have given him castor oil!"

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